Articles and resources
Vitamin D in the news 2011 – (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips November 2011
This sunshine vitamin can be a challenge to keep topped up in UK winters and cloudy summers Below are extracts from news about Vitamin D featured in 2011. "Millions of people may be at risk of ill-health because of low levels of vitamin D" MEDSCAPE 09.06.11 Vitamin D...
Cholesterol – (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips
Heart-healthy foods found to be significantly better in lowering cholesterol levels than a low fat diet! Many studies have been conducted on the causes and prevention of heart disease. Boston University Framingham Heart Study continues to assess cardiovascular risk...
Berries – (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips
Berries are small, sweet, juicy, brightly coloured, fleshy fruits. They are produced from one ovary, with their many seeds embedded in the fruit. They can be one fruit (strawberry) or many joined together (raspberry). Berry colours are from natural plant pigments...
Summer Salad Tips – (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips
Fresh, raw fruit and vegetables generally have higher nutritional value than when cooked because heat destroys many vital nutrients. Experiment with some of the ingredients listed below to add extra flavour and texture to your salads and make a meal of them. Try one...
From Pyramid to Food Plate – (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips
5th - 11th July is Childhood Obesity Awareness Week 2011. July 2011 is also Ice Cream month! The food plate is important for avoiding obesity and encouraging health by eating a balanced diet The food plate has replaced the pyramid that was established in USA in 1992...
Water H2O – (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips
How do you know you are drinking enough water? There is an ongoing debate about whether we should drink water or get it from our food. A recent study showed that school children are more interested in engaging in new activities and learning when they drink at least 1...
Hayfever – (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips
Hayfever can bring misery for its many sufferers at various stages through the warmer seasons The allergic reaction creates histamine, mucous and inflammation and taxes the immune system. It may seem to start suddenly and often relates to a pollen, plant or tree...
Spring Cleaning – (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips
Spring is time for a good clean out in our bodies and lives as well as at home In Chinese medicine spring relates to the wood element, the colour green and liver and gall bladder energy. The Liver is located mostly below the right breast area, yet stretches right...
Nutrition to Help Sport and Exercise
Whether you are starting exercise after hibernation or are already into sports, nutrition plays a vital part Fitness versus Health There is a difference between fitness and health; fit people can drop dead, whereas healthy people do not! There are nutritional...
February Hibernation – Withdraw to Re-Energise
It is the time of year when our bodies are telling us to go into the cave and pull over the leaves! In Chinese medicine it relates to the kidney energy and our basic energy reserves. Hibernation In nature everything slows down, the trees have lost their leaves and the...
January Cleanup and Reality Check – (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips
New Year resolutions fresh in mind and will we stick to them? Make simple, lasting changes that could transform your life! You could take simple steps in your life by making ongoing resolutions to improve your health and wellbeing. Early detection It seems that...
Staying Healthy in December – (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips
December can be a challenging month with the excesses and stresses of Christmas festivities EXCESSES: Food There is no healthy way to eat ALL the food associated with Christmas in one day. Too many rich foods leave us feeling bloated, heavy and sluggish over burdening...
Nutrition Aimed at Helping Cancer Prevention – (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips
October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2010 A few facts and figures about breast cancer Only 7% thought to be genetic Largest impact comes from lifestyle and diet Many linked to excess oestrogen Many contain toxic metals Toxic metals, chemicals and Stress affect...
Nutrition to Help your Back
11th - 15th October is Back Care Awareness Week 2010 Here are a few nutritional factors important in good back care Bones Calcium, abundant in our local water is thought of as the main nutrient for bones. Absorption requires Vitamin D, which requires vitamin A for its...
Keeping the Summer Glow – (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips
Most of us feel better in the summer months. This is not just to do with food. In summer we tend to get more light, air, water and exercise. As the nights draw in we tend to stay indoors on the couch and eat warm comfort foods. Start now to cultivate good habits to...
Tasty Holiday Tips – (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips
Good nutrition is essential to good health. A rainbow diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables is essential to good nutrition. Prepare quick and easy, nutritious and delicious food for your kids. Entice them to eat more than 5 a day as good health insurance. Fun Fruit...