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Life coach in Saltdean, Brighton & Hove, Horam

Personal / Life Coaching

Personalised coaching to bring out the better you

Transform your present to create your future and maximise your full potential to reach your desired goals.

Lin’s Coaching focuses on your life aspirations, building clarity, and confidence, strategies and tools which will empower you towards action to re-create your life.

As a professionally trained life coach I can help you to focus on and achieve professional and personal results.

coaching in saltdean brighton east sussex
i3 profiling service brighton sussex

I3 Profiling

I3profiling, helps you discover your natural strengths, communication style, and areas for growth. Starting with a personal profile, you’ll gain insights that form the foundation for personalized coaching, whether you’re looking to improve self-awareness, decision-making, or leadership skills.

For teams, Lin offers Team Dynamix, using I3profiling to enhance collaboration and performance by understanding each person’s strengths. With Recruit, she helps you find the right talent for your team by profiling candidates to ensure the best fit. Whether for personal growth, better team dynamics, or smarter hiring, Lin’s I3profiling services give you clear, actionable insights for success.

More info here

Enhancing communication & facilitating change.

• Achieve greater clarity in situations
• Explore new possibilities
• Become less stressed to address issues and take action
• Find your work-life balance/harmony
• Achieve specific goals
• Find the courage to make changes
• Make a career change
• Cope with situations of transition and change

Coaching sessions can be both in-person or online.

brighton sussex coaching for change
mbraining certified coach sussex

mBit – mBraining

mBraining is a personal development approach that connects the wisdom of the body’s three intelligence centers: the head, heart, and gut. The head governs logic and reasoning, the heart influences emotions and values, while the gut drives instincts and intuition. Aligning these “brains” helps individuals make more balanced, wise decisions.

By using mBraining techniques, you can achieve emotional balance, clearer decision-making, and improved well-being. It teaches how to integrate the messages from all three centers, promoting harmony and choices aligned with your true self—ideal for personal growth, leadership, and stronger relationships.

Lin is a professional certified mBIT coach

“Lin used a process called mBit, which incorporates a breathing sequence to coordinate the different emotions from one’s heart, head and gut into a harmonious relationship. Lin successfully negotiated (sometimes subtle, sometimes complex), internal conflicts that I hadn’t even realised were affecting me, to bring together all ‘parts’ into an efficient relationship.

Through Lin’s expertise, and perceptive insight, I learnt that I have the power to have all parts of me work together instead of resisting one another. This resistance was triggering internal procrastination to deal with a problem. Lin’s ability to envision my problem with empathy, positively impacted upon the success of the sessions.

Since, I have felt lighter and more able to deal with this ongoing issue as I now have a clearer pathway to a successful outcome.
I can genuinely say these sessions were a turning point for me, and I would highly recommend Lin to anyone seeking meaningful change.”
” – MC

Core Transformations

With core transformations we identify ‘parts’ that have been left behind in our development.

Lin will guide you through this process allowing you to realise that your perceived limitations are actually doorways towards resolution.

This deep and meaningful process will help you change unhealthy, emotional responses and learned behaviours to help you re-balance and discover new ways of improving your life, creating purpose and wholenesss.

core transformations

“Having travelled through many experiences of the energetic self, and beyond, I have to say the session on core transformation with Lin was both enlightening and transformative.

One of the main aspects that Lin brought me to was the aspect of transforming generational emotions held within my own self. I did struggle with incorporating, bringing into the body these aspects held within my energetic fields. On expanding my core self this then encompassed these aspects within the whole. On reflection this confirmed to me the healing from within and growth of core enabled the self to transform these elements into the whole.

Lin has as one of her many talents the ability to hold the space and energy, allowing you to reach the deepest parts that may be hidden for many years. When ready to find, see hidden issues within, I highly recommend seeking out her transformative core transformation sessions
As always thank you from my heart to yours”
” – Shirley D Havard

coaching saltdean brighton


Effective and transformational hypnotherapy.
I am passionate about helping people through using hypnotherapy to reprogram their mindset for success and happiness.

My hypnotherapy services help our clients find out what beliefs, habits and unwanted behaviours are holding them back from living a balanced life.

My Hypnotherapy expertise will help you deal with the daily stresses and anxieties of life.

More info here


“Coaching helps people discover what they can’t see for themselves!”

NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming)

Would you like to change your thoughts and behaviours to help you achieve your desires?

Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) relates to thoughts, language, and patterns of behaviour learned through experience. Through the conscious use of language, NLP brings about changes in someone’s thoughts and thus behaviour. As a method of personal development NLP equips you with skills to achieve confidence, communication and self-reflection.

This psychological approach, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) creates new ways of understanding how your verbal and non-verbal communication affects your brain. Thus, presenting the opportunity to improve our communication skills whilst simultaneously gaining control over the automatic functions of our neurology so that we can modify unconscious biases.

Get in touch for more info

nlp neurolinguistic programming