We have used sound since time began; using the voice, sticks, stones, animal hides, pipes, reeds, leaves and many things from nature to either soothe or stimulate us for a variety of purposes. Sound healing is the conscious therapeutic application of sound frequencies to a person, intending to restore health. Sound has been used in temples, rituals and religious practices since recorded history. The most natural form of sound healing is the lullaby, which is instinctively sung to soothe a babe in arms and is naturally accompanied by the heartbeat of the person holding the child.
Tuning Forks are a fundamental tool that allows us to create precision frequencies. Aluminium forks make an audible sound and can be played in a room or directed toward an area of the body. Stainless-steel forks are less audible and usually the non-vibrating end is placed on a person’s body to transmit a specific frequency to a particular part of the body.
Singing Bowls are played by striking or by rotating a mallet around the outside rim to produce a musical note. Much as you would with your finger around the top of a glass of mine, making a different note for different volumes of wine! These are said to originate in China, pre-dating Buddha. Some are designed to resonate more into the atmosphere, while others more to resonate into the body when placed on it; some do both! Originally made of metal, there are now crystal versions available.
Gongs are played by striking them with a mallet. They are generally played hanging on a stand and smaller ones can also be carried around. Each gong is individually made and even though they may be tuned to a particular frequency, each one has its own unique character.
Voice is used to make sounds that heal, this is different from singing and is about ‘sounding’. This can be sounded into the atmosphere or directly into the body. Sounding is used to ‘diagnose’ blockages in the body and surrounding areas.
Modern medicine uses sound for diagnostics and treatment.
Diagnostically the Stethoscope is used tolisten to heart and lung sounds. Ultrasound is used to monitor the development of an unborn baby and to assess the function of the heart and other organs. Ultrasound is also used for treatment of diseased tissue.
Science and Experiments:
- Sound can modify DNA: In 2011, Russian biophysicist Pjotr Garjajev modified DNA using sound & light frequencies only.
- Sound can levitate: In 2015, a team of scientists built a device to levitate & manipulate small objects in the air.
- Sound can boil water: In 2008,inventor, Peter Davey, created a device using only sound waves to boil water in seconds.
- Sound can create light: Sonoluminescence is the emission of short bursts of light from imploding bubbles in a liquid when excited by sound. In the laboratory, it can be made to be stable, so that a single bubble will expand and collapse over and over again in a periodic fashion, emitting a burst of light each time it collapses.
- Sound moves faster than light: In 2007, US scientists experimentally demonstrated that sound travels faster than light.
- Sound can kill viruses: In2008, research mathematically determined frequencies that could de-activate viruses.
What to Expect from a Sound Bath Relaxation
The participant generally lays down, either on a yoga mat or treatment couch, depending on the location. It is also possible to sit in a chair if lying down is uncomfortable or impractical. Wear warm clothing and it is good to have a warm cosy blanket. You just lay down and relax and let the sounds wash over you. These can vary from bells, bowls, rattles, shakers, various sizes of gongs, voice and occasionally there may be silence. This is usually a relaxing experience similar to meditation and people often fall asleep. Occasionally, some of the sounds produced may seem strange. The experience can be transformational.
We are happy to advise you on your health matters.
Please see my website www.osteo-info.co.uk/events for information and events.
Private as well as monthly group Sound Baths and Sound Healing Training.
Registered Osteopath & Kinesiologist & Senior Yoga Teacher
Master Hypnosis, NLP Practitioner, Coach and Trainer, Sound Therapist and Trainer
Aether Bios Clinic Mind Sound Yoga
Saltdean and Horam Healthcare Clinic
01273 309557 07710 227038
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