Call me now on: 01273 309557 or Mob: 07710 227038


New Years Resolutions – Whats the point?

(Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites:

There is a very good point to goal setting at any time of year, not just at New Year. When you set a goal for something you really want/desire to do and aim for it with a specific focus, you are more likely to reach it, especially when eliciting help and support of someone who can guide and encourage you. You can set individual or group goals, with your family or team.

Setting Goals: Make it something you really want/desire to do, rather than something you ‘think’ you should do. A simple formula for goal setting is to make the goal S.M.A.R.T:

Specific: What exactly do you want to achieve?

Measurable: How will you know when you have achieved it, what specifically will you notice?

Attainable: Is your goal possible/attainable for you within your time, money, limits, talents and abilities?

Relevant: Is this something you really want to achieve and why?

Timely: Timelineshelp us focus and take action. Is the time limit realistic for you to achieve your goal?

Top 10 New Year’s resolutions, according to a poll:

Interesting how some have changed, some have moved up, some have moved out; and reducing stress, getting out of debt, renovations and a dream holiday are new on the list! Seems like we are changing our thinking.

                2018                                                                2020                                                           2024

  1. Exercise more (38%)                                       Diet or eat healthier (71%)                 Exercise more (27%)
  2. Lose weight (33%)                                           Exercise more (65%)                            Reduce stress (24%)
  3. Eat more healthily (32%)                                Lose weight (54%)                                Healthier diet (22%)
  4. Take a more active approach to health (15%) Save more and spend less (32%)  Read more books (17%)
  5. Learn new skill or hobby (15%)                   Learn a new skill or hobby (26%)    Get more organised (16%)
  6. Spend more time on personal wellbeing (12%) Quit smoking (21%)                    Drink less alcohol (14%)
  7. Spend more time with family and friends (12%)Read more (17%)                     Re-decorate/renovate (12%)
  8. Drink less alcohol (12%)                                  Find a new hob (16%)                     See family more often (11%)
  9. Stop smoking (9%)                                           Drink less alcohol (15%)                   Get out of debt (9%)
  10. Other (1%)                                   Spend more time with family & friends (13%) Book a dream holiday (8%)

How I can Help YOU at Aether Bios CLINIC MIND SOUND and YOGA:

For EXERCISE, join my Yoga classes at the Saltdean Lido.

  • Active yoga on the mat
  • Chair yoga if you are unable to get up off the floor or just fancy a seated full body workout to stretch and strengthen, we have a giggle and you will learn about your body and how to get the best out of it

For REDUCING STRESS, I have many options:

  • Cranial Osteopathy to gently balance your stress and nervous system
  • Applied Kinesiology and Functional Biochemistry to help your body deal with stress hormones.
  • Sound Therapy
    • Individual sessions in Saltdean clinic
    • Groups Sound Baths Monthly
    • Workshops in finding your voice and learning sound skills yourself
  • Yoga, exercise and breathing help to reduce stress and yoga has a specialised focus on this
  • Breathing (Pranayama), Learning to master your breath in a class or more detailed workshop will help you in times of stress as well as improving your general health and wellbeing.
  • Hypnotherapy, Coaching, NLP, working with your mind and mental health can help you cope by being more in touch with yourself.

For a HEALTHIER DIET, I can advise you in clinic and use Applied Kinesiology to test what you should stop having, start having, and keep having. I can also test many aspects of your body systems to help them function better to improve your health.

For GET MORE ORGANISED, Hypnotherapy, coaching, and NLP can help you deal with procrastination and identify blocks.

For DRINK LESS ALCOHOL, Hypnotherapy, coaching, and NLP can help you with making choices about your life and how you live it as well as looking at some of the reasons this may not be working optimally.

For READ MORE BOOKS, REDECORATE/RENOVATE, FAMILY MORE OFTEN, GET OUT OF DEBT, BOOK A DREAM HOLIDAY, I can help with the process of making choices and dealing with issues.

We are happy to advise you on your health matters. Please see my website for information and events.

Get in touch

I would love to hear from you, so please get in touch for an informal chat or to book an appointment.

Please feel free to call on: 07710 227038 or 01273 309557 or click below