Cranial bones begin to grow in the uterus and continue for several years to accommodate the growing brain. They form and grow inside the elastic membranes by a process called ossification.
7 – 8 months: Sphenoid (red) is made up of 4 bones; 2 bones in the middle section (pre and post sphenoid) join together to form 1 bone (sphenoid body)
- 8 – 9 months: Temporal (brown) the tympanic (incomplete) ring forms joining the upper curved section (squama) in the bone around the ear
- 8 – 9 months: Maxilla (purple) the front part (pre-maxilla) joins the back part (maxilla) in the palate
Premature babies may have sensitivities in these areas as the bones may have not completely formed at birth.
1st – 2nd Year
- 8 – 12 months: Sphenoid (red) – the middle section (body) joins the side parts (wings) at the side to form 1 bone
- 8 – 12 months: Temporal (brown) – the back section (petro-mastoid) joins the upper curved section (squama)
- 0 – 2 years: Ethmoid (yellow behind nose) – vertical (plate), lateral (masses) and top (crista galli) parts join together
The membranes in the head (meninges) have strong attachments on the ethmoid (yellow), sphenoid (red), temporal (brown), parietal (green) and occiput (blue); membranous tension can potentially affect the position of these bones.
The sphenoid (red) connects to other bones in 26 places and has most of the cranial nerves passing through it; it also has the main glandular centres controlling sleep, appetite, behaviour, etc. sitting in the middle part (the body); it forms the back of the eye socket. The area at the base of the skull where the occiput (blue) joins the temporal (brown) forms a hole (jugular foramen) that is home to important cranial nerves to do with digestion (vagus), neck muscles and swallowing.
Think about the many bangs and falls kids can tend to have on their heads and bottoms from this age onwards. It is also incredible to consider how long we continue to grow into our bodies.
2nd – 5th Year
- 2 – 5 years: Occiput (blue) – is made up of 4 bones surrounding the spinal cord; the back (squama) parts join the side parts (condylar parts) to form 1 bone; the front (basilar) part is still separate
- 2 – 4 years: Atlas (1st neck vertebra) – the side and back parts join together
- 4 – 7 years: Frontal (orange) – the less obvious vertical (metopic) suture in the middle forehead joins together
5th – 8th Year
- 4 – 7 years: Frontal (orange) – the less obvious vertical (metopic) suture in the middle forehead joins together
- 5 – 8 years: Atlas (1st neck vertebra) – the side and front parts join together
- 6 – 8 years: Occiput (blue) – the front (basilar) part joins the already joined the back (squama) and side (condylar) parts to form 1 bone
- 6 – 8 years: Sacrum (triangular bone in pelvis at base of spine) – the top 2 joints (vertebrae) join together
15th – 25th Year the following are fully formed and joined
- 15 – 25 years: Sternum (breast bone)
- 19 – 25 years: Occiput (blue) and Sphenoid (red) join in the centre of the head (SBS)
- 20 – 25 years: Acetabulum (hip socket) and Sacrum
Osteopathic treatment encourages the body to adopt the best position of its structure to be able to perform its functions optimally. Osteopaths are trained to feel the movements and flows in the body structures and systems and to help guide them to better function.
We are happy to advise you on your health matters and offer a free 15 minute joint and spinal check, without obligation.
Registered Osteopath & Kinesiologist & Senior Yoga Teacher
Master Hypnosis and NLP Practitioner
Aether Bios Clinic
01273 309557 07710 227038