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Buckwheat – Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips

Originated in Asia and grown since at least 1000 BC in China; widely adapted in the northern hemisphere with strong adaptability to adverse environments and a very short growing span. Most common buckwheat is Fagopyrum esculentum Moench (common or sweet buckwheat);...

Rosemary – Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips

Rosmarinus officinalis is a common household plant grown in many parts of the world. Used for flavouring food, a beverage drink, in cosmetics and as a preservative in the food industry due to anti-oxidant/ anti-microbial properties. Folk Medicine Used as an...

Spirulina – Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips

Spirulina, also known as blue-green algae, grows naturally in salt-water lakes in Africa and Mexico, as well as in some fresh water lakes. It grows quickly in a spiral shape, is easy to harvest and was used as a food source by the Aztecs. Nutrition: B-complex...

Sprouting – Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips

Growing your own sprouts is a cheap and easy way to improve your nutrition by eating live, raw food. A sprout is the transitional stage between a seed and a plant.  Studies show that regular consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with reduced risk of...