Call me now on: 01273 309557 or Mob: 07710 227038



(Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites:

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I have had requests for these classes following on from our successful fundraiser for the Lido buildings last year. I wanted to offer something to appeal to all ages to help raise money for this cause and because I use the hall to teach yoga. We had great fun and raised money with the help and support of  local people and businesses.

Animal Yoga

Many yoga poses use English names based on the animals they represent. The poses can be adapted to suit children of all ages. The kids can join in to do the poses and make the animal noises related to the poses, run around doing their own thing, or just watch the from the sidelines. This is a fun way to engage children into yoga in a fun and freely expressive way. The more boisterous kids can let off steam by doing more vigorous poses to start with before calming them down towards the end before sending them home.


Below you can see us doing the frog pose accompanied by a cacophony of “rivet rivet”, the crab pose, lion’s breath with a load “roar” and calming down with starfish. Other poses we did included butterfly, camel, cat, cow, crane, crocodile, dog, eagle, locust, snake, swan and handstand just for fun.

“Lin’s Animal Yoga was fantastic! My two boys loved posing and jumping as different animals, Great fun. They are keen to do it again!”


“Animal  yoga for children was great! It was fun and engaging. My daughter really enjoyed it! She has been practicing animal poses ever since. Lin is very good with children and it’s a great way to get them into yoga”


Chair Yoga

This is an adaptation of yoga poses that can be done simply in a chair to help improve flexibility. This is useful for people who spend long hours sitting, such as at a desk or in planes, train and automobiles and for texter’s neck. It is also for people who are injured or less able to move around as they can benefit from the increased flexibility and breathing without stressing their bodies.

“Great for people who are new to yoga, have limited flexibility or maybe problems with knees and joints. Feels like a proper yoga experience and is immensely enjoyable”.


“I have enjoyed chair yoga very much. I have always wanted to try it but the lack of flexibility was holding me back. During Lin’s chair yoga class I have learned breathing techniques and a few easy but beneficial poses to carry on practicing yoga in my own time”


“As a mature woman with an aversion to organised exercise I approached a session of Chair Yoga with Lin unenthusiastically. It turned out to be perfect for me, a combination of stretching and getting postures right with explanations from Lin on what muscles were being affected for better and worse. Together with gentle breathing and soft music, excellent.”


Bios Yoga at Saltdean Lido: discounts for advance block booking of classes; no classes 21st and 22nd August 2019

Chair Yoga: Wednesdays 11:15 -12noon starts 31st July 2019 £6 per class drop in

Breathing (Pranayama): Wednesdays 12-12:30pm ongoing £4 per class drop in

Yoga for Health: Wednesdays 12:30-2pm ongoing £12 per class drop in

Animal Yoga: Wednesdays 2:30-3pm in the summer holidays (parents free) 31st July – 4th September 2019 £4 per class drop in

Yoga for Health: Thursdays 7-8pm ongoing £8 per class drop in


Please contact Lin for further information and to book a place. We are happy to advise you on your health matters.



Registered Osteopath & Kinesiologist & Senior Yoga Teacher

Master Hypnosis and NLP Practitioner

Aether Bios Clinic


01273 309557       07710 227038

Get in touch

I would love to hear from you, so please get in touch for an informal chat or to book an appointment.

Please feel free to call on: 07710 227038 or 01273 309557 or click below