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Aloe Vera: (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Nutrition Tips

Blog photo croppedAloe Vera is a species of succulent plant from Africa that is spiky with thick green fleshy leaves and can grow to a metre tall. It has been mentioned as a herbal medicine for about 2000 years though it may have been used for much longer.

It is used in Indian medicine for colic, constipation, skin diseases, worm infestations and infections. In Trinidad and Tobago it i used to treat hypertension. Mexican Americans use it to treat type 2 diabetes..Extracts are used in cosmetics and natural therapies for their soothing, healing and rejuvenating properties. It’s effect on the mucous membranes probably accounts for the gut benefits people experience; better gut function can influence so much of our health and may be related to the reduction in joint pain experienced.
The scientific evidence to date is quite limited and contradictory yet does not prevent many people from feeling the
benefits of this wonderful plant, though It can be toxic to the liver at certain doses both taken internally and when
used topically on the skin, particularly if using the whole leaf extract.

Scientific Studies:

  • Wounds
    Acute burn wounds and skin biopsies did not heal faster, though haemorrhoidectomies did.
  • Skin protection
    It’s anti-inflammatory properties are useful against dermatological disorders such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Many people experience relief from sunburn with application of Aloe Vera.
  • Cancer
    It’s wound healing and anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and immumomodulatory properties helped prevent and treat the radiation induced mucositis (mouth ulcers) and oral candidiasis produced from certain head and neck cancer treatments. Some inhibitory effect on gastric cancer cells. Quinones in Aloe are being studied for their anti-cancer effects.
  • Diabetes
    Emodin from Aloe Vera was shown to be potentially beneficial in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes.
  • Obesity
    A dietary Aloe formula reduced obesity-induced inflammatory responses and suppressed pro-inflammatory responses and reduced percentage body fat suggesting it’s use as a nutritional intervention against type 2 diabetes and obesity-related inflammation.
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
    Some benefits were shown clinically and physiologically.
  • Liver
    Hepatic fibrosis from viral infection eased and inflammation was inhibited, yet another study showed hepatitis caused by Aloe Vera.

Adding Aloe Vera to your diet and life
A teaspoon of liquid can be taken orally or added to shakes.
Many topical creams are available for anti-ageing and restorative and calmative effects.

We are happy to advise you on your health matters.

Lin Bridgeford DO KFRP MSCC ICAK (UK) MSc
Registered Osteopath Kinesiologist

Aether Bios Clinic

Tel: 01273 309557
Mobile:  07710 227038

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Please feel free to call on: 07710 227038 or 01273 309557 or click below