The raspberry is an edible fruit of the Rubus, or rose family. We most commonly eat the red variety though they are also found in black, purple, blue and yellow varieties. Raspberries are rich in polyphenols such as flavinoids, anthocyanins and tannins, which are concentrated in the skins and seeds.
Anti-Oxidant Anti-Inflammatory
Phytonutrients, particularly the phenolic compounds in raspberries protect against oxidative stress and inflammation, helping to lower diseases related to inflammation and free radical damage such as atherosclerosis, diabetes (type 2), hypertension and obesity.
The anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties are also partly responsible for raspberry’s anti-cancer properties. Studies also show chemo-protective and inhibitory properties of raspberries, particularly related to their anthocyanin and tannin content.
Obesity and Blood Sugar
Tiliroside in raspberry, is a flavonoid with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancer and liver-protective properties. Recently it was reported to significantly inhibit body weight gain and visceral (organ) fat accumulation in normal mice. However, a study on obesity-induced mice suggested that tiliroside enhances fatty acid oxidation and helps obesity-induced metabolic disorders, such as diabetes and obesity, though does not suppress body weight gain and visceral fat accumulation.
Raspberry Ketones
Rheosmin, also known as raspberry ketone is a natural phenolic compound. It is used in perfumery, in cosmetics, and as a food additive to add a fruity odour. It has also been found to block cancer pathways.
Raspberry Ketone Weight Loss Pills?
These are very popular as the latest weight loss fad and though there is evidence to support the weight loss properties, I am not convinced that pills or eating one particular food is a healthy or lasting way to manage weight issues. Additionally, how can you be sure that the pills you buy contain real raspberries and enough real substance to be effective?
A more sensible way to manage weight issues is to eat a healthy diet, rich in fruit, vegetables and berries and low in toxins and junk. The orchestra effect of a rainbow diet makes the whole better than the sum of the parts as mother nature works in synergy to help protect your health. A side effect of good health is healthy weight management. Use an abundance of good nutrients to help reprogram your biochemistry (metabolic programming) and tastes, while you change your lifestyle and habits, taking regular exercise, sufficient water, rest and sleep as well reducing stress. Get the help and support you need to manage this.
Nutritional Values of Raw Raspberries
Vitamins: High in vitamin A, C and folate with smaller amounts of vitamin B, E, K. Small amounts of Vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxal-5 phosphate)
Minerals: High in potassium; lesser amounts of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. Traces of iron, sodium, zinc
Other: Contain water, carbohydrates, fibre, fatty acids and protein
Eat raspberries anytime on their own, with porridge or cereal, as a desert or smoothie or as a snack when you are passing the bush! Eat raw for the fullest nutrition; eat cooked, freeze for later or make jams/jellies.
We are happy to advise you on your health matters.
Lin Bridgeford DO KFRP MSCC ICAK (UK) MSc
Registered Osteopath & Kinesiologist & Yoga Teacher
Aether Bios Clinic
Saltdean Brighton
01273 309557
07710 227038