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Articles and resources


(Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: OSTEOPATHY FOR DRIVING Driving can place strain on our bodies over time. People who drive for a living need to be aware of the effects of their driving position on their body. This is perhaps even more relevant for people...


(Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: AT SALTDEAN LIDO I have had requests for these classes following on from our successful fundraiser for the Lido buildings last year. I wanted to offer something to appeal to all ages to help raise money for this cause and...

Slipped disc

 (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Osteopathy Tips  SLIPPED DISC This is a common term referring to a condition describing the loss of normal structure and shape of the spinal discs. It is actually defined as a herniated disc, prolapsed disc or bulging...

Facing the music – Musician’s issues

 (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Osteopathy Tips MUSICIAN'S ISSUES - FACING THE MUSIC Playing music is usually a much beloved hobby or profession. It takes many years of study to become proficient or begin to master an instrument, often requiring long...


(Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Osteopathy Tips VISCERAL OSTEOPATHY Many problems and symptoms associated with the organs of the body can be helped with Osteopathy. If you kneel on all fours, basically all the organs are suspended from the spine, so they...

Dog Walking Issues

(Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Osteopathy Tips DOG WALKING ISSUES - PROBLEMS FROM WALKING YOUR POOCH As a nation, we are animal lovers; we love our fur family and want to take good care of them.  What about the impact on our bodies of an activity such...

Emotions in the body

(Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Osteopathy Tips EMOTIONS IN THE BODY Do we hold emotions in our body, how do they get there and what can we do to release them? Neuroscientist Professor Candice B. Pert, PhD wrote about this in her book 'Molecules of...

Stress on the body

 (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Osteopathy Tips THE EFFECTS OF STRESS ON THE BODY We all get stressed from time to time. The body has a normal physiological, biochemical process designed to respond to stress and is well equipped to deal with in the...


The concept of headaches originating from the neck was first described in 1860 and the term “cervicogenic headache” (CGH) was introduced in 1983. CGHs start from the upper neck near the base and of skull (occiput), as well as the anatomical structures innervated by...

Gardening Injuries

 (Aether Bios Clinic) Bridgeford’s Best Bites: Osteopathy Tips GARDENING INJURIES At this time of year the gardeners amongst you are probably busy preparing your gardens for the autumn and winter months. If you are doing this frantically and under time pressure you...


We have built in responses in our nervous system that help the body to ‘save’ itself from a stumble, fall or insult. The reflexes that make your leg jump when you hit below the knee cap are part of this wonderful system. This reflex is the quadriceps, the large front...


march 26, 2018 by lin bridgeford, posted in uncategorized Osteopathic treatment of older people aims to help maintain mobility, ease aches and pains as far as possible and promote well-being. The body can be likened to a car, needing regular service and...


Cranial bones begin to grow in the uterus and continue for several years to accommodate the growing brain. They form and grow inside the elastic membranes by a process called ossification. 7  – 8 months: Sphenoid (red) is made up of 4 bones; 2 bones in the middle...


Osteopathic treatment of older people aims to help maintain mobility, ease aches and pains as far as possible and promote well-being. The body can be likened to a car, needing regular service and maintenance, especially with age. M.O.T. Maintenance Osteopathic...

Osteopathy During Pregnancy

  Pregnancy and particularly the birthing of a new person into being, is a life changing experience for both parents. Although it is a natural process and part of a normal life cycle, each pregnancy is a unique experience. The mother’s body experiences a myriad...

Applied Kinesiology

APPLIED KINESIOLOGY Many people think that Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a treatment, whereas it is actually a diagnostic tool that is used in combination with other standard methods of diagnosis to assess aspects of health.   What is AK? AK is a non-invasive...

Trapped Nerve

TRAPPED NERVES Trapped nerve describes back and other problems that occur when nerves get compressed, irritated or trapped often between bones in the spine or neck. This is also called a pinched nerve or compressed nerve.   Anatomy: Nerves are the body's information...

New Years Resolutions – Whats the point?!

There is a very good point to goal setting at any time of year, not just at New Year. When you set a goal for something you really want/desire to do and aim for it, you are more likely to reach it, especially eliciting help and support of someone who can guide you....